Health-related smartphones applications have been identified as a significant factor in cardiovascular illness reduction. By using programs such as text-messages reminders, a substantial reduction is achieved in patients’ risk scores. A significant 1.24% reduction in Framingham scores foretold a positive outcome in 10-year risk estimations for first heart attacks.
A Mayo Clinic research team located in Rochester, Minnesota conducted a lengthy observational study. The team reviewed 51 separate studies that were conducted in Asia, Europe, and North America from 2003 to 2013 (10 years). The study had approximately 24,000 patients, each assigned to digital health interventions. Among 24,000 people, 10,333 individuals were controls (Placed into traditional care without digital intervention). The breakdown of the primary-prevention trials is as follows: No significant reduction in stroke/attack numbers, despite Framingham risk score reductions. Some possible questions to improve the experiment are: Were there long-term follow-ups? Were patients relatively healthy? Are lurking variables (Smoking, Air toxicity levels in neighborhood) posing any bias on our experimental patients?
Interesting enough, the study concluded that Web portals, telemedicine opportunities, and text-message applications were among the most effective technologies in improving/reducing heart risks.
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